42 year old female with viral pyrexia, left mild pleural effusion secondary to ?TB

This is an online E logbook to discuss our patients' de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts intending to solve those patients' clinical problems with the collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome. 

Name: Dr Sreshta J

42 year old female presented with complaints of 
Cough since 1 month
Fever since 1 day

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month ago then she developed cough which was dry and did not subside on medication 

Patient had fever 1 month ago which was high grade, continuous, and it lasted for 1 week. Now she again has been having fever since 1 day which is high grade and continuous. Not associated with chills and rigors 

Past history:
She's not a known case of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, asthma, epilepsy, TB.

Personal history:
Appetite - normal
Diet- mixed
Bowel and bladder movements- regular
Sleep- disturbed due to cough
No addictions 

General examination:
Pallor yes
Icterus no
Cyanosis no
Clubbing no
Lymphadenopathy no
Generalised edema no
Malnutrition no

Temp- 101F
Bp- 110/80 mmHg
Pr- 139bpm
Rr- 26cpm
Spo2- 97% @RA
GRBS- 126mg/dl

Cardiovascular System : S1, S2 heard, no murmurs

Respiratory System : Bilateral air entry present. Position of trachea central. Decreased breath sounds in left IAA, mammary and interscapular areas 

Chest appears bilaterally symmetrical 
Respiratory movements appears equal on both sides
Trachea -Central in position 
No scars ,Sinuses , Engorged veins and visible pulsations 

All inspectory findings confirmed
Trachea -Central
Apical Impulse - In Left 5th ICS 


                                     Right Left 

Supra Clavicular : Resonant Resonant 

Infra Clavicular : Resonant Resonant 

Infra mammary : Resonant dull 

Axillary : Resonant Resonant 

Infra axillary : Resonant dull 

Supra scapular : Resonant Resonant 

Inter scapular : Resonant dull 

Infra scapular : Resonant Resonant


                                   Right Left 

Supra Clavicular : NVBS NVBS 

Infra Clavicular : NVBS NVBS 

Infra mammary : NVBS decreased 

Axillary : NVBS NVBS 

Infra axillary : NVBS decreased 

Supra scapular : NVBS NVBS

Inter scapular : NVBS decreased 

Infra scapular : NVBS NVBS

Central Nervous System : patient is conscious coherent and cooperative. Higher mental functions intact 

Per abdomen : soft, non tender. No organomegaly.

USG chest-

USG abdomen-


Chest Xray-

Pleural fluid protein/serum protein= 4.6/5.8= 0.7 →exudative

Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH= 570/198.8= 2.8 →exudative

Pleural fluid LDH> 2/3rd of upper limit of serum LDH = 570> 306 → exudative 
Lights criteria concludes that the effusion is exudative

IVF 1 DNS @75ml/hr
       1 RL @75ml/hr
Inj Neomol 1 gm iv sos if temp >101F
Tab Dolo 650mg PO TID
Tab Pan 40mg PO OD
Monitor temperature and vitals 4th hourly

23/12/22 SOAP NOTES
42 year old female
GM unit 4 
AMC bed- 5
Day - 1

Fever subsided
Cough subsided

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative
Temp- 97.4F
Bp- 110/80 mmHg
Pr- 89bpm
RR- 20cpm
Cvs-S1 S2+
Rs- BAE+
CNS- HMF intact
P/a- soft, non tender

Viral pyrexia with thrombocytopenia

IVF 1 DNS @75ml/hr
       1 RL @75ml/hr
Inj Neomol 1 gm iv sos if temp >101F
Tab Dolo 650mg PO TID
Tab Pan 40mg PO OD
Monitor temperature and vitals 4th hourly
Pleural tap done

24/12/22 SOAP NOTES 
42 year old female
GM unit 4 
AMC bed- 5
Day - 2

Fever subsided
C/o difficulty in swallowing 

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative
Temp- 99.2F
Bp- 100/80 mmHg
Pr- 124bpm
RR- 22cpm
Cvs-S1 S2+
Rs- BAE+
CNS- HMF intact
P/a- soft, non tender

Viral pyrexia 
Left mild pleural effusion secondary to?TB

Inj Neomol 1 gm iv sos if temp >101F
Tab Dolo 650mg PO TID
Tab Pan 40mg PO OD
Monitor temperature and vitals 6th hourly
25/12/22 SOAP NOTES 
42 year old female
GM unit 4 
Day - 3

Fever subsided
Sob subsided 

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative
Temp- 98F
Bp- 110/70 mmHg
Pr- 126bpm
RR- 24cpm
Cvs-S1 S2+
Rs- BAE+
CNS- HMF intact
P/a- soft, non tender

Viral pyrexia 
Left mild pleural effusion secondary to?TB

Inj Neomol 1 gm iv sos if temp >101F
Tab PCM 650mg PO SOS 
Tab Pan 40mg PO OD
Tab Limcee 500mg BD
Tab B complex OD
Chlorhexidine mouth wash TID

26/12/22 SOAP NOTES
42 year old female
GM unit 4 
Day - 4

Fever subsided
Sob subsided 
C/o difficulty in swallowing 

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative
Temp- 98F
Bp- 100/70 mmHg
Pr- 124bpm
RR- 22cpm
Cvs-S1 S2+
Rs- BAE+
Decreased breath sounds in left IAA, mammary and interscapular areas 
CNS- HMF intact
P/a- soft, non tender

Viral pyrexia 
Left mild pleural effusion secondary to ?TB

Tab PCM 650mg PO SOS 
Tab Pan 40mg PO OD
Tab Limcee 500mg BD
Tab B complex OD
Chlorhexidine mouth wash TID
Syp Grilinctus 10ml PO BD 

ENT referral i/v/o difficulty in swallowing
Adv- upper GI endoscopy for dysphagia evaluation 
X-ray neck lateral view 

27/12/22 SOAP NOTES
42 year old female
GM unit 4 
Day - 4

Fever subsided
Sob subsided 
C/o difficulty in swallowing 

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative
Temp- 98.2F
Bp- 110/80 mmHg
Pr- 124bpm
RR- 21cpm 
Cvs-S1 S2+
Rs- BAE+
Decreased breath sounds in left IAA, mammary and interscapular areas 
CNS- HMF intact
P/a- soft, non tender

Viral pyrexia 
Left mild pleural effusion secondary to ?TB

Tab PCM 650mg PO SOS 
Tab Pan 40mg PO OD
Tab Limcee 500mg BD
Tab B complex OD
Chlorhexidine mouth wash TID
Syp Grilinctus 10ml PO BD

After discharging from our hospital, patient consulted anothe doctor outside and was diagnosed as TB+
She's on ATT since.

Her complaints of cough, fever and difficulty in swallowing are resolved.


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